Mount Union运动科学学生进行并监控跑步测试


Bachelor of Science in 运动科学 Degree

Exert your energy in Mount Union’s research-oriented, 协作, 以社区为中心的运动科学理学士学位. We’re unique among institutions of our size for the depth, 宽度, and opportunities to engage in 运动机能学 and 运动科学 from your very first days on campus to the professional world beyond graduation.


Embedded in Real-World Experience

The 57-credit BS in 运动科学 pairs classroom knowledge with real-world applications. Our state-of-the-art research facilities, 小班授课, 投资教授, and wide-ranging opportunities for experiential learning—both on- and off-campus—equip you for the dynamic demands of an allied-health career.

With a meaningful understanding of exercise 生理学, 人体运动, 解剖学, 以及科学探究, you’ll be ready to enter the workforce or excel in a graduate program to launch a rewarding career in areas like 运动机能学, 营养, 物理治疗, and physician assistant studies.



Accelerate your career in physician assistant studies, 物理治疗, or medical school by applying for our 早期保证途径 as a current or future undergraduate.


Learn More About the 运动科学 Major

Move toward opportunities to research, 服务, 并在Mount Union获得运动科学学士学位. 请求的信息 for more details about the BS in 运动科学. 已经在船上了? 马上申请!

  • 课程


    Mount Union的运动科学专业让您了解健身, 表演, and health across the lifespan. You’ll build foundations in 解剖学, 生理学, 运动机能学, 生物学, 和化学, then refine your expertise in areas like pharmacology, 心脏康复, corporate and worksite wellness, 以及为特定人群设计健身项目的应用实践.

    运动科学的学士学位是一个包含实习课程的体验式学位, 实践研究, 并且有机会将你所学的知识应用到许多课外环境中. Learn more about the curriculum in the 学术课程目录.



    深入了解运动科学系列研讨会的重要主题, 这是你在大二和大四要上的两门课程. 这两个学分的研讨会培养你的发展和信心作为一个专业人士.

    The Sophomore Seminar emphasizes professional skills, including written and oral communication, 网络, 模拟面试, 并加入区域性或国家级专业协会

    The Senior Seminar capstone course provides an open forum through which you and your peers will examine current events and discuss how they relate to the 运动科学 major.

  • 学习目标


    • Demonstrate a sound foundational knowledge and understanding of human 生理学 including relevant principles of 营养, 生物学, 和化学, along with an advanced understanding of human 解剖学, 因为它们与运动和身体活动的反应和适应有关.
    • 展示与评估相关的基本实验室技能, 实验室方法, sound experimental and analytical practices, 数据采集, and reporting in the 运动科学s.
    • 展示对锻炼重要性和影响的认识, 体育活动, and 营养 on an individual’s health and well-being. 除了, you should steadfastly be an advocate for physically active lifestyles as a means to improve quality of life and reduce the risk and prevalence of lifestyle-related diseases.
    • Demonstrate requisite skills and abilities for meaningful employment in 运动科学-related areas or to pursue graduate studies in an 运动科学-related area.
  • 从实践经验中学习

    Hands-On Learning in 运动科学

    在实践中学习是我们在联合山的教育方法中不可或缺的一部分. Throughout the 运动科学 major, you’ll seek out and stumble into meaningful opportunities to deepen your understanding of course concepts, apply your classroom knowledge in real-world contexts, and develop a network of peers and professionals.


    Independent Research (Senior Research Projects)

    Interrogate phenomena at the forefront of the 运动科学 field through Mount Union’s robust undergraduate research program. 我们的研究设备包括心电图(ECG), heart rate monitors and sphygmomanometers, laboratory treadmills and cycle ergometers, 代谢车.

    大四的时候, 你将设计并实施一个研究项目,以培养规划方面的重要技能, 执行, and sharing research findings. Some recent projects include:

    • Can a Typical Swimmer’s Snorkel Elicit the Same Physiological Effects as an Acute Sojourn to Moderate Altitude?: This project assessed the ability of a snorkel worn during training to elicit the same physiological adaptations as altitude training.
    • The Effects of Palm Cooling During Aerobic Training: This project ob服务d whether handheld cooling packs could assist the body in maintaining core temperature while exercising in the heat.
    • 补充β -丙氨酸会影响咖啡因摄入后的肌肉表现吗?: This study examined the effects of caffeine ingestion compared to beta-alanine supplementation in power output, 重复失败, 感觉体力消耗率, focus, 警觉性和疲劳.


    Research With Faculty or Student Peers

    Collaborative research can achieve exciting results. 我们最近的一些师生研究项目已经在:

    • 国际运动营养学会(2022)在佛罗里达州清水市
    • 美国中西部运动医学学院(2022年),位于印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯
    • 生物力学(2022)
    • American College of Sports Medicine (2019) in Orlando, FL



    学习动手使用现实世界的仪器装备你在实习中脱颖而出, 研究项目, 还有你的事业. In the 运动科学 major, you’ll routinely run a variety of exercise tests including maximal aerobic capacity tests (VO2 max), 通过空气置换体积脉搏图(Bod Pod)检测身体成分, 肌电图(EMG), 功率输出和力发展速率(弹道测量系统), 和无氧功率测试(Wingate),使用循环测力计.



    获得课程学分, gain relevant work experience, 并通过完成运动科学方面的实习来解锁工作机会. Much like your career prospects, ideal locations for internships include university strength & 调节程序, private sport 表演 facilities, 物理治疗诊所, 当地的基督教青年会, 和更多的.

    Some of our recent internship employers:

    • 顶级运动调节
    • T3运动表现
    • 阿克伦大学
    • 肯特州立大学
    • 路易斯安那州立大学
    • 堪萨斯州立大学
    • 爱荷华州立大学
    • 北亚利桑那大学



    Apply your learning right here on campus through programs that help your peers thrive: work as a fitness trainer or group exercise instructor in the Recreation Center or complete fitness assessments and evaluations for Mount Union athletic teams.


    Community-Based Fitness Programs And Assessment

    Contribute to YMCA-based exercise and 体育活动 programs where you’ll help design fitness assessments, 课程, 以及为当地社区成员和高中运动队制定的个人训练计划.



    与我们的社区分享你的知识、技能和能力! Mount Union runs a variety of programs to promote healthy and active lifestyles for our neighbors of any age, 健康状况, 或者生活环境. This tremendous real-world experience benefits your professional growth while you give back to those around you.

  • 学生组织

    参加适合任何爱好的俱乐部和组织活动, hobby, 或者职业道路. Mount Union’s 运动科学-related student organizations are a venue for you to develop lasting relationships, 拓展你的职业技能, and put your learning into practice.



    向演讲嘉宾学习, prepare your professional school applications, attend career-focused workshops, 并通过运动科学俱乐部参加社区外展项目. If you’re an 运动科学 major, minor, or share an interest in the field—especially if you plan to go into allied-health professions—you’ll benefit from the club’s collaboration and camaraderie.



    获得科学(化学)方面的实际研究经验, 生物化学, 运动科学, 生物学, and psychology) and prepare for a health-related career with the support of resources like:

    • 向公众开放的年度跨学科校园会议
    • 在一年一度的实验生物学之旅中的演讲
    • 跨部门资助研究用品和研究旅行
    • 教授和学生的研究报告,以提高认识和合作
  • 职业生涯

    职业生涯 in 运动科学

    The 运动科学 major prepares you for a variety of rewarding career paths in and related to allied-health medical professions. With an 运动科学 degree, you can transition directly into a related job or pursue further professional credentials in a graduate program.

    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, many roles in this field demonstrate growing demand, 如 physical therapist assistants and aides, which are estimated to expand 24% by 2031, or fitness trainers and instructors, which will see 19% growth over the same period.

    Entry-level roles within 运动科学, 如 运动生理学家,年薪超过47,900美元,而需要进一步学习的职位,比如 物理治疗师, earn average salaries over $95,000 annually.


    • 运动技术专家
    • 运动专家
    • 项目负责人
    • 运动领袖
    • 健康/健身教练
    • 健康/健身导演
    • 高级私人教练
    • Certified strength and conditioning specialist


    • Akron General 健康与福利
    • 合适的工作
    • Ohio Institute of Pain Management
    • 最佳个人健康
    • 卡梅隆健康中心
    • Holmes Spine and Sport Chiropractic
  • 研究生院



    • 心脏康复
    • 高级私人教练: 高级私人教练s work with both healthy individuals and those with health challenges seeking to pursue independent exercise, improve physical fitness levels and 表演, 管理健康风险,促进终身行为改变.

    General health and wellness:

    • 私人教练
    • 健康/健身导演
    • 企业健康


    • Certified strength and conditioning specialist: Certified strength and conditioning 教练 use exercise prescription to help clients improve athletic 表演, 防止受伤,并应用适当的运动机制.


    • Technician: responsible for conducting fitness testing, collecting and analyzing data, 准备报告.
    • Product design: Develop products that meet a need in the fitness or wellness industry (e.g.、服装、运动器材、手机应用等.).
    • 项目经理


    • 医疗设备
    • 运动器材
    • 药品


    • 一般人群
    • 运动性能


    Career Possibilities with an Advanced Degree



    • 心脏康复
    • 脊椎指压治疗者
    • 医学博士
    • Nurse
    • 营养/营养学
    • 职业治疗师
    • 物理治疗师
    • 医师助理
    • 运动分析


    • 老师
    • 研究员


    • 查塔姆大学
    • 惠灵耶稣会大学
    • 俄亥俄州立大学
    • 代顿大学
    • 匹兹堡大学
    • 波尔州立大学
    • 科罗拉多州立大学
    • New York Chiropractic College

Student and Faculty 聚光灯

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