




      第九条申诉池, 决策者池, and Appeal 决策者池s are made up of University employees (both faculty and staff) who are specially trained to serve in these pools. Members of the Grievance Pool can serve as both investigators and advisors. 政策正式概述了他们的角色. 首席多元化官 & senior 第九条 administrator and the 第九条 co-coordinators, 得到了总统的批准, 选择池的成员.

      1. 池的成员

        The following individuals will serve as pool members for the 2023-2024 academic year:

        • Dawn Adams -助理. Dean of 学生 and Director of International Student Services
        • 乔迪·布莱恩,学术支持主任
        • Dr. Mandy Capel – Director of Graduate Programs, School of 教育; Professor, M.Ed. 教育
        • 玛西·克雷格,人力资源总监
        • Shawnta Forester – Director of Student Diversity Programs
        • Alexis Hedrick - Director of Student Accessibility Services
        • Crystal Johnson -前景研究经理
        • Nathaniel LaRiccia – Director of Athletic Communications
        • Marci Muckleroy,学生成功中心主任
        • Matthew Parnell - Director, Recreation and Wellness Services
        • Lynn Riggle - WRMU协调员和票房经理
        • 凯蒂·斯科特,联合山基金主任
        • 萨拉·舍尔,宿舍生活主管
        • 李·史密斯,物理工厂主任
        • Randolph Smith – Associate Director of Enrollment Services
        • 凯利·斯托特,刑事司法助理教授
        • Casey Tonn – Director of Student Involvement and Leadership
        • 安德烈·威廉姆斯-助理临床 & 物理治疗学术协调员
      2. 决策者


        • Dr. Bryan Boatright - Interim Co-Vice President for Academic Affairs and Assistant Vice President, 教务处及大学注册处处长
        • 萨拉·舍尔,宿舍生活主管
        • Dr. Heather Duda – Founding Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities
        • Dr. Sandy Madar - Interim Co-Vice President for Academic Affairs & Founding Dean of the College of Natural and Health Sciences
        • 马克斯·沙利文,学生行为主管
      3. 呼吁决策者


        • 洛根·阿吉尼加,大学发展副主席
        • 凯特琳·克拉克,招生管理副校长
        • John Frazier – Vice President of Student Affairs, Dean of 学生
        • Melissa Gardner -营销副总裁
        • Patrick Heddleston - Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer




      1. 培训的主题


        Members of the 第九条 Pools receive regular training on the following topics:

        • The scope of the Mount Union大学’s interim policy on 平等的机会, 骚扰和非歧视及程序
        • How to conduct investigations and hearings that protect the safety of Complainants and Respondents, 促进问责制
        • 内隐偏见
        • 差别待遇和影响
        • 报告、机密性和隐私要求
        • Applicable laws, regulations, and federal regulatory guidance
        • How to implement appropriate and situation-specific remedies
        • How to investigate in a thorough, reliable, and impartial manner
        • 如何维护公平、公正和正当程序
        • 如何权衡证据
        • 如何进行提问
        • 如何评估可信度
        • 公正客观
        • How to render findings and generate clear, concise, evidence-based rationales
        • 所有罪行的定义
        • How to apply definitions used by the Mount Union大学 with respect to consent (or the absence or negation of consent) consistently, 公正, 并且符合政策
        • How to conduct an investigation and grievance process including hearings, 上诉, 非正式的解决过程
        • How to serve 公正 by avoiding prejudgment of the facts at issue, 利益冲突, 和偏见
        • 在现场听证会上使用的任何技术
        • 问题和证据的相关性问题
        • Issues of relevance to create an investigation report that fairly summarizes relevant evidence
        • How to determine appropriate sanctions in reference to all forms of harassment, 歧视, 和/或报复指控
        • 保留记录

        Specific training is also provided for 呼吁决策者, 摄入人员, 顾问(Mount Union大学员工), 和决策者. All Pool members are required to attend these trainings annually.

        由第九条协调员酌情决定, the University may also retain external contractors to serve as pool members. 

      2. 培训材料


        The materials used to train 第九条 Officers will be posted here as training is completed, 是每年秋季学期的课程吗.  Additional training may occur throughout the year to ensure that all pool members are appropriately trained.




      外部询问- OCR

      1. 民权办公室


        民权办公室 (OCR)
        U.S. 教育部

        Tdd:(877) 521-2172
        电子邮件: OCR@ed.政府


        • 克利夫兰的办公室
          • U.S. 教育部
          • 欧几里德大道1350号
          • 325套房
          • 俄亥俄州克利夫兰44115
          • 电话:(216)522-4970
          • 传真:(216)522-2573
          • 电子邮件:OCR.Cleveland@ed.政府


        涉及员工的投诉: http://www.平等Employment机会委员会.Administration /办事处/克利夫兰/位置 (平等就业机会委员会)

        在这里, 平等的机会, 骚扰, 对所有教员一视同仁, 学生, 员工和第三方政策 可以找到. The linked copy here is the most recent copy of the Policy. If/when updates are made to the Policy they are posted here and this is the current policy for Mount Union. 

        When a situation involving sexual misconduct has occurred, there are many decisions a person must make both immediately following and during her/his recovery from such a personal violation. The Mount Union大学 provides services that can assist the student with this process; the 性行为不端回应计划 is designed for this purpose. More information or a list of current responders, visit the 性行为不端回应计划 页面.

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